Tumpang Tanya

Information Request Testing Website

This site captures requests and answers submitted by civil society organizations who share a common interest in promoting, protecting, and defending the Right to Know.

Finding the right agency and right people to ask for information from government can be daunting, this site also provides a guide for the public on how to make requests for information from government.

Currently, there is no mechanism to track data and status of government information requests by civil society and partners. Thus, with that in mind, Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) and Sinar Project have jointly initiated this public platform to track performance of FOI/RTI and other requests for information from Malaysian state and federal agencies.

How-to Use this site

Learn more about your right to information (RTI)

Getting started: Making information request in Selangor and Penang

Getting started: Making information request in states without FOI enactment


Borang A sample
Sample Borang A Right to Information Request Penang